Join the world’s leading marketing organisation

CIM is the world’s largest professional body of marketing, with about 50,000 members in 130 countries. We share a passion for marketing, we lead the development of professional standards and practice, and we champion the big issues and new ideas in the marketing world.

For further information regarding membership, please follow the links below or contact Richard Hansford by email: Richard Hansford

Affiliate Member (Studying)

In order to study for a CIM qualification you will need to apply as an Affiliate Member (Studying) This will entitle you to a range of benefits and study support.

Affiliate Professional

Affiliate Professional grade is open to professionals working in marketing as well as those interested in marketing.

Associate (ACIM)

With this grade of membership you can boast the designation “ACIM” after your name. Those that have graduated from their CIM Professional Diploma and Chartered Postgraduate Diploma automatically become Associate members.

Member (MCIM)

Qualifying for Member (MCIM) grade indicated that you are an experienced marketer and have management experience. You can use the designated “MCIM” you name in business communications signifying to your peers your seniority within the marketing field.

Chartered Marketer

Chartered Marketer status, awarded exclusively by the Chartered Institute of Marketing is a symbol of outstanding practical experience and expertise. It can only be held by Members (MCIM) and Fellows (FCIM) who are committed to continuous professional development.

Fellow (FCIM)

You may be elected to Fellowship after a period of membership, or upon entry to The Institute provided you meet Member (MCIM) criteria. In both cases, you will need a strong marketing background (circa 15 years), and must have held a role such as Chief Executive, Executive Director, Senior Marketing Executive, Professor of Marketing, Senior Academic or Senior Marketing Consultant for a minimum period of five years. The distinguished designatory letters ‘FCIM’ are reserved for our Fellows.

> Further information about joining the Chartered Institute of Marketing