The Beach are pleased to sponsor The CIM Awards for the seventh year. The Beach are a progressive communications consultancy who, over the past nine years, have merged new media development with a foundation in the traditional design and marketing disciplines. This we apply with considerable passion and creative energy for our clients, with the aim of igniting their brands and subsequent business success. Why not take time to visit us online and see what we could achieve for you: www.thebeach.je
Delta Production Services are pleased to be once again sponsoring the CIM Awards. This event is a great opportunity for us to reach most of our clients in one night and help you to have the best party. Despite all the doom and gloom we’re having to deal with, this year’s event will be a party to remember. Check out some of this year’s events at www.delta-av.com
JT is part of the JT Group, an innovative and progressive communications enabler, who provide world-class products and solutions to a diverse client base. Their product range encompasses all the products and services expected from a cutting edge provider with specialties in Gigabit Broadband – Fibre-to-the-Home, Data Hosting & Co-Location, Fixed & Mobile technologies and Wholesale solutions that further support their place on the global business stage.