Club Lounge?

Guidelines for Men who definitely need them

Shirts: Collared shirts, such as polo, Oxford style, or dress shirts.

Jackets/ Jumpers: Suit or tailored jackets, blazers, waistcoats etc. Smart sweaters such as v-neck, crew-neck, cardigans.

Trousers: Formal, smart, The smarter end of casual trousers such as chinos. Professional wear does not include sweatpants, wind pants, warm-ups, or cargo-style pants. Underwear not to be exposed please. Jeans must be dark blue and may not have patterns, tears, or patches. Low-rise jeans preventing modesty are not acceptable.

Footwear: Smart shoes only, such as dress shoes, brogues, loafers or Derby shoes. Sandals, flip-flops are not and never have been acceptable.

Guys, if you’re still stuck, please see below for a few examples of what we had in mind.

Guidelines for Women who won’t rely on these as much as the men

Shirts: Collared or un-collared shirts and tops may be pullover or button style. Shirts and tops must be tucked in, unless the shirt was made to be worn out (un-tucked). Sleeves may be long or short; sleeveless shirts must be three inches wide at the shoulder.   Underwear and midriff may not be exposed.

Sweaters: Pullover sweaters.  Turtleneck sweaters must be tucked in unless they are a ribbed pullover sweater style.

Pants: Tailored or business casual pants.  A belt must be worn with pants that have belt loops. Jeans are only acceptable on days designated by the principal or by vote of the Town Council as a special event.  Jeans must be dark blue and may not have patterns, tears, or patches. Low-rise jeans that prevent modesty are not acceptable.

Tunics, Skirts and Dresses: Hems may be no more than three inches above the knee.

Socks: Hose or tights with dresses/skirts/tunics that are at or above the knee.  Hose or tights are not required for skirts whose length extends below the knee.

Footwear: Appropriate shoes include women’s dress shoes or pumps; leather-like, suede or loafer-style shoes; and boots.  Closed-toed mule or closed-toed slide styles are also acceptable.  Casual sandals are not appropriate, but an open-toed shoe with a dress appearance and a dress heel is acceptable.  Sandals, flip-flops or shoes with a toe strap (designed to go between the toes) are not acceptable.